Intimate wedding at the Old Mansion House

Molli and Josh were married in an intimate ceremony on the porch of the Old Mansion House in Georgeville, Quebec.

A destination wedding in Quebec

I was so surprised when I heard that Molli and Joshua were travelling up from South Carolina to Quebec to get married! Typical destination weddings happen in places like Cuba and Mexico, right? They had things upside-down…going north for a wedding…didn’t they?

Then I found out that they are in love with French culture. Aha!

This was a chance for the wedding couple to enjoy a little taste of French culture in North America… where their whole families could come along. Even the grandparents were courageous enough to make the 24-hour road trip up through the States.

The Old Mansion House

The Old Mansion House is a historical home in Standstead Township near Lake Memphremagog. Built in 1889, the building served as an inn over the years, then a ski lodge and now a rental home. The entire home is painted a soft pink colour with white trim.

It rained a little on the wedding day, but since the ceremony was held on the wraparound verandah, everybody kept dry. And as they say in French “mariage pluvieux, mariage heureux” (rainy wedding day, happy mariage).

Here are some images to tell the story of their intimate family wedding at the Old Mansion House.

Groom tying his bow tie in mirror
Groom tugging his suspenders with wedding date embroidered on his shirt
Wedding date embroidered on Joshua’s shirt
Bride kissing her dad on the cheek
Wedding on porch of Old Mansion House
Wedding ceremony on porch of Old Mansion House
Mother crying during wedding vows
Grandparents of the bride during wedding ceremony
Grandmothers holding a candle and wedding handkerchiefs

Wedding portraits around the Old Mansion House:

Bride and groom sitting on wooden bench inside old period home in Eastern Townships
Close up of wedding couples hands with rings
Groom sitting on staircase and kissing bride's hand
Bride standing on stairs and holding hands with groom below

After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom enjoyed champagne and macarons with their families.

Tower of macarons
Bride feeding groom a macaron
Wedding couple cake smash with macarons

Then we headed out for some wedding portraits in the Stanstead area.

Our first stop was Pont Narrows, a small wooden covered bridge near Fitch Bay.

Wedding couple in silhouette under covered bridge near Fitch Bay
Pont Narrows
Bride and groom strolling through the woods
Bride and groom on dock at Fitch Bay
A local church and old schoolhouse made a cute backdrop
St. George’s Anglican Church (1866) and the old Red Schoolhouse
Wedding couple in back of pink house

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  1. Sebastien Brodeur says:

    I know this cover bridge in Fitchbay. A shame the amount of grafiti.

    1. Hehe, yes, it would look nicer if they cleaned it up…but it’s kind of cool that all the graffiti is couples… Du style: “David + Marie-Pierre = true love 4ever”. It’s not as pretty, but it’s kind of special.

      You have been to Fitch Bay?

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